
Texas’ Water Shortages Could Cost State

aus_beryl_590_030309According to Texas’ chief Comptroller Susan Combs, water shortages combined with expected population growth could cost Texans’ their way of life.

Water Infrastructure & Maintenance Given Short End of Stimulus Stick

WASHINGTON -- An impressive nearly $1 trillion may soon flow…

Understanding Zimbabwe: An Interview with Professor Timothy Burke

In an interview with Circle of Blue, Swarthmore history professor…

Can Colorado Bureaucrats Reincarnate their River?

While accepting a conservation award for his work in natural…

Australian States Legislate Rescue Team for Murray-Darling Basin

Victoria, the final state to sign a water bill that allows…

Obama Policies Could Clean Up Water Act

An insistent cadre of experts and activists have high hopes…

Shipping Group Sings Ballast Water Blues, Regulations Remain

DULUTH, Minnesota -- Zebra Mussels traveling into the Great…

Water conservation is water conservation, except when it isn’t

In the ongoing water wars between Georgia, Florida, and Alabama,…

Obama, With Emanuel, May Spell Greater Conservation Efforts for the Great Lakes

Advocacy groups and political analysts predict strong Great…

Minnesota voters pledge $5.5 billion to protect lands and waterways

SAINT PAUL -- Passing the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment…

Check “water” at the ballot box in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania's aging water delivery and treatment infrastructure…

WHYMAP takes water question underground

Although unknown to many, it is no secret that much of the…