HotSpots H2O: Lower Mekong Nations Seek Greater Cooperation from China Following Recent Study

Delicate discussions over the future of the imperiled Mekong River could be further complicated by the findings of a new study, which claims that China withheld water from drought-hit downstream nations last year.

Water Contamination Risks Lurk in Plumbing of Idled Buildings

Stagnant water is a breeding ground for bacteria. Before reopening shuttered buildings, the internal water systems need to be investigated, plumbing experts say.

What’s Up With Water – April 13, 2020

Construction in US flood zones, largest dam removal project in US history gets key permit, and preparing for Covid-19 in Jordan's largest refugee camp. Plus CoB story on water utility revenues in the pandemic.

HotSpots H2O: Water Cuts for Millions in Tripoli as Libya Coronavirus Caseload Rises

Unrelenting conflict is hindering Libya’s efforts to combat the new coronavirus.

Water Shutoffs Are Suspended, But the Bills Will Still Be Due

Many utilities will not disconnect water during the coronavirus emergency. But residents are still required to pay their bills when it’s over.

Covid-19 Crisis Could Decimate Water Utility Revenue, Worsen Affordability Problems

The shutdown due to Covid-19 will have immediate and potentially long-lasting consequences for America’s water utilities and the people they serve.

HotSpots H2O: U.S. Great Lakes, Near Record Highs, Pummel Coastal Infrastructure

The U.S. Great Lakes have surged to unprecedented levels, causing tens of millions of dollars in damage to coastal roads, marinas, and household property.

Virus Hunters Find Coronavirus Clues in Sewage

Wastewater analysis could provide an early warning of the spread of the new coronavirus.

HotSpots H2O: U.S. Federal Judge Calls for Full Environmental Review of Dakota Access Pipeline

U.S. District Judge James Boasberg struck down federal permits for the Dakota Access pipeline, calling for a full environmental review

Volunteer Network Rescues Small Alabama Water System with Operator under Quarantine

Water utilities are concerned that the new coronavirus will lead to staffing shortages.

Water Utilities’ Biggest Coronavirus Concern Is Staffing

As the coronavirus spreads across the country, water utility leaders say that potential staffing shortages due to illness and quarantine are their biggest current concern in the Covid-19 pandemic.