U.S. Army says water fuels war in Iraq

WASHINGTON -- While experts warn of impending water wars, the…

World Economic Forum’s New Champions talk markets, growth as world faces “a crisis of confidence”

For three days last week, Tianjin's TEDA district was home…

Up for vote: George W. Bush Sewage Plant

SAN FRANCISCO -- George W. Bush's legacy is at stake in more…

Everglades wrapped in red tape, significant restoration unlikely

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida -- What seemed like a light on Florida's…

Great Lakes Wind Turbines Could Someday Power the Midwest

Hundreds of thousands of wind turbines could someday stretch…

Much Ado About Water: Economist hosts debate

Is water a human right or is it a commodity? The Economist…

Bush Signs Great Lakes Compact Into Law

President Bush added the final signatory touch to the long awaited…

Drink baby, drink: EPA allows rocket fuel in public water

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) just announced…

Clinton Global Initiative commits millions to water and sanitation

Safe water equals better health. Members at the recent annual…

Tax free toilets! Atlantans encouraged to upgrade their loos

ATLANTA, Georgia -- Using tax incentives to persuade conservation,…

Opinion — Time to tap into water-wise farmers’ well of ideas

Circle of Blue covered the Pacific Institute's newest report…

Water Sales Trump Crop Sales in Queensland

BRISBANE, Australia -- Small farmers in Queensland can make…