
An Iowa Farm County Seeks Answers To Cancer Rate 50% Higher Than National Average

Palo Alto County has second highest cancer incidence among all U.S. counties.

Closing the Gap: Afghanistan’s Hunger Crisis in the Spotlight

Rich countries are falling short in providing essential support to combat hunger and water scarcity in low income nations,

Despite $Billions Spent, Tide of Harmful Farm Pollutants Grows Ever Larger

“Best management practices” are not impeding flow of farm nutrients into nation’s waters. 

World Water Day Reflects on Conflict, Peace

Unreliable water is a significant social risk.

Can U.S and Mexico Secure Water Supplies in Shrinking Rio Grande?

Changes are needed in 80-year-old water treaty to accommodate the drying climate.

New Report Sparks Questions and Controversy Over Possible Causes for Iowa “Cancer Crisis”

Binge drinking doubted as cause of Iowa’s rising cancer incidence.

Water Depletion: A Pivotal Concern In Mexico’s 2024 Election

By Zara Gounden, Circle of Blue - February 7, 2024 Serious…

“We Can’t Sit Back” – Amid Polluted Water and Climbing Cancer Rates, Iowa Eyes Farm Chemicals

Health authorities react to rampant fertilizer and pesticide contamination in water.

Year in Water, 2023

Scenes from the Great Acceleration