
Peter Gleick: Massive Water Bond Delayed: Back to more Realistic Water Solutions

The California Legislature pulled the massive $11 billion water bond from the November ballot and moved it to 2012.

Peter Gleick: The Human Right to Water (and Sanitation)

Peter Gleick applauds the UN General Assembly's declaration: "the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights."

Peter Gleick: The California Water Bond — What Does Proposition 18 Really Say and Do?

The costs and benefits of California's largest water bond in a half century have not been fully assessed by an independent organization.

Peter Gleick: ‘And During the Wet Years They Lost All Memory of the Dry Years.’

California has just suffered through three years of drought. Certainly not the first such drought and not the last.

Peter Gleick: Water Lessons from Singapore

"In a move with all sorts of political, economic, and environmental implications, the government of Singapore recently announced that it will not renew one of its two water agreements with its neighbor Malaysia."

Peter Gleick: Water and Misleading Advertising and Marketing–Where are the FDA and FTC?

It should be hard to sell private water. After all, most of the people reading this blog have access, a few feet away, to unlimited, remarkably cheap, high-quality tap water from systems owned by the public.

Peter Gleick: More on Climate Deniers and Their Abuse of Science

An analysis of the special interest rhetoric behind climate changes biggest naysayers.

The War on Tap Water: An Exclusive Excerpt from Peter Gleick’s Bottled and Sold

"The growth of the bottled water industry is a story about 21st century controversies and contradictions: poverty versus glitterati; perception versus reality; private gain versus public loss of the last century."

Freshwater Delivery in the Wake of Natural Disasters

A sample of water technologies invented to store, ship and provide one of the most critical resources for crisis recovery.

Peter Gleick: Climate-change Deniers Versus the Scientific Societies of the World — Who Should we Listen to?

Where should the public, not versed in climate science, look for their information and knowledge about this debate about climate change?

Peter Gleick: The Best Argument Against Global Warming

Climate deniers have yet to produce an alternative, scientific argument that come close to explaining the evidence around the world that the climate is changing.