
Aquatic agora: Louisville launches water talk

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky - Water, on both global and local scales,…

Arsenic-laced well water poisons Indian rice supply

INDIA -- The bucolic portrayal of verdant, water-soaked rice…

Senate Endorses Great Lakes Compact, Amid Growing Concern for Region’s Health

CHICAGO - After a decade of deliberation, the bill created…

China considers engineering rain for Olympic parade

BEIJING - With the Olympics almost underway, Chinese officials…

The River of Grass: Florida’s Everglades, clean energy, and sugar

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida -- Efforts to restore portions of the…

Climate change, water shortages threaten the cedars of Lebanon

LEBANON -- The historic cedars of Lebanon, famed from biblical…

Writing competition challenges students to think about the future of India’s water

MUMBAI - Eco-petition, an annual student writing competition…

Proposed rule will prevent wells from illegally draining Colorado River

Owners of wells in Arizona, California, and Nevada drain an estimated…

Flash floods leave New Mexico mountain town in deep water

RUIDOSO, New Mexico - Two states east of drought-riddled and…

Chicago water pollution a difficult pill to swallow

CHICAGO - Following a study conducted for the Chicago Tribune,…

New Zealand farmers argue for more water

NEW ZEALAND - A group of Mid Canterbury farmers is spending some…

Santa Cruz quarries: Study identifies not-so-free refill for water-stressed area

SANTA CRUZ, California - A nearly quarter-million dollar study…