
Map: China’s Provincial Energy Production (1997-2010)

Click through the interactive infographic to see how China, the…

Toxic Water: Across Much of China, Huge Harvests Irrigated with Industrial and Agricultural Runoff

The dirty truth about the world’s largest grain producer.
China's Major Grains Map

Map: China’s Provincial Grain Production (1997-2010)

Click through the interactive infographic to see how China, the world’s largest nation and second-largest economy, has shifted its bread baskets to the north.

China’s Water Reserves and World’s Warming Atmosphere Wait For Natural Gas Breakthrough

China’s deep shale reserves are treacherous to tap and slow to develop.

First Time Key Global Energy Report Highlights Water Constraints of Energy Production

Energy is becoming a thirstier resource, the report states. Photo…
China's Major Grains Map

Scarcity of Water and Land Shifts Geography of Food Production and Irrigation Networks to China’s Northeast

Rich land, ample water, and human persistence have turned virgin prairie into the primary breadbasket for China, the world’s largest nation and second-largest economy that is pursuing grain production with a single-minded purpose.

Food Supply, Fracking, and Water Scarcity Challenge China’s Juggernaut Economy

New project finds that building the world's fastest-growing economy…

Contest Between Water and Energy Becoming Big Story

Back from China, Circle of Blue's senior editor notices a trend creeping from our headlines to those of other news organizations around the world.
Land Grabs, Agriculture, Agriculture as an Investment, Farmland Investment

U.S., U.K, and China Lead Foreign Land Investments In Agriculture and Finance

GRAIN’s online database is the foundation for much of what…

Lessons in Rice, Water, and Farming

Circle of Blue's senior editor reports from the field, literally, as he ends his second week in the rice paddies of rural China.

Production, Water Savings, and a Heroic History on China’s State-owned Farms

Circle of Blue's senior editor starts his second of three weeks reporting in the field from China, where new infrastructure over the next five years will give a big boost to farming in a northeastern province.