

The Stream, July 25: An Atlas of World Water Risk

Business An 'new gold' for the 21st century, banking on scarcer…

Meddling With the Environment Puts Rio Tinto on Mock Olympic Podium

Environmentalists and workers' unions are angry that Rio Tinto,…

The Stream, July 11: Tensions High in Israel and Lebanon Over Water

Tensions have heightened between Israeli and Lebanese troops…
Marco Arana Peru Protest Conga Mine Police

When Gold Loses Its Luster: Four Dead in Peru Mining Protests

Circle of Blue reporter Codi Yeager reports that a heavy price is being paid in the outcry against the Minas Conga gold project and its potential impact on water resources.

The Stream, July 5: Africa’s Shrinking Glaciers

A team of scientists and photographers has embarked on a mission…
The Stream

The Stream, June 28: Nutrient Pollution Choking the Mississippi River

What does Chicago have to do with the growing algae blooms in…

The Stream, June 26: U.S. Supreme Court Awards Georgia in Tri-State Water Dispute

Tough verdict on Rio+20 from author George Monbiot: governments…

Illegal Mining in India Threatens Right to Water

A new report on India’s rampant illegal mining highlights corruption,…

The Stream, June 18: What’s the Potential of Green Accounting?

Can putting a monetary value on natural resources reign in unfettered…

Global Gold Rush: The Price of Mining Pursuits On The Water Supply

Water supplies remain key to the global boom in gold mining, driven by high demand and near-record prices.

The Stream, June 13: Land Grabs Threaten Africa’s Water

Large-scale foreign investment in Africa's farmland is a threat…

Provincial Differences: Green Hunan and Dry Gansu

Circle of Blue reporter Nadya Ivanova starts her second of three weeks reporting in the field from China, where she wonders about the effects of regional development and pollution on farming practices.