Toxic Algae Blooms
Symptoms of a system out of balance
Symptoms of a system out of balance
Expansive blooms of toxic algae are poisoning drinking water, closing beaches, and creating oxygen-deprived aquatic “dead zones” around the globe. Driven by excess amounts of nutrients washing into waterways from expanding agriculture and cities, the blooms represent a growing water quality crisis that could further deteriorate under climate change.
The blooms plaguing coastal estuaries are a symptom of a system out of balance.
Political, financial, and ecological barriers block solutions in South Florida.
Researchers hone plans to cut phosphorus and mitigate future blooms.
Phosphorus pollution and harmful algal blooms are a significant threat to our freshwater. Take part in the solution and learn more about the Everglades Foundation’s $10 million George Barley Water Prize to address phosphorus pollution at