The Horn of Africa

Worsening Humanitarian Crisis: Unprecedented Drought and Famine in Horn of Africa

The drought has gripped large regions of eastern Africa, leaving an estimated 11 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, and is likely to continue for much of the year, according to the United Nations.
Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China

Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China’s Major River Basins

The seven major river basins, as a whole, have had steady improvements in water quality over the past decade.

Business vs. Environment: Ohio Governor Vetoes Lake Erie Water Withdrawal Bill

The highly controversial bill set the highest thresholds for water withdrawal permits in the Great Lakes region, sparking debate between environmentalists and businesses over the use of Lake Erie water.

The Stream, July 18: Texas Enacts Fracking Disclosure Rule

Texas became the first U.S. state to require energy companies…

Federal Water Tap, July 18: EPA Under Pressure

House Takes On the EPA The U.S. House of Representatives passed…

The Stream, July 15: Central Asia’s Climate-Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Peabody Energy Corp. will pursue a giant coal-mine project in…

The Stream, July 14: U.S. Clean-Water Standards

With just a few weeks until the details of a draft plan for the…

The Stream, July 13: Water Pollution in China

Leading global clothing brands source products from Chinese suppliers…
Infographic: American Arsenic

Infographic: An Elemental Concern—Arsenic in Drinking Water

Arsenic is both naturally occurring and artificially produced, and the toxin is very dangerous since it often has no color, taste, or smell. This graphic breaks down how arsenic gets into drinking water supplies and how arsenic affects the U.S. on the state level.

The Stream, July 12: The Melting Arctic

TransCanada Corp, the company that hopes to build the Keystone…

American Arsenic: After a Decade, Small Communities Still Struggle to Meet Federal Drinking Water Standards

When the EPA lowered the arsenic standard for drinking water from 50 parts per billion to 10 in 2001, there were 3,000 water systems in violation. Today, nearly a thousand still are.

The Stream, July 11: Desperate Hunger Looms in the Horn of Africa

An unprecedented drought, instability and higher global food…