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232 search results for: Mekong


The Stream, January 23, 2020: PFAS Contamination in U.S. More Widespread than Previously Thought, Study Finds

The Global Rundown A new report finds that PFAS contamination in the United States is far more prevalent than previously thought. Michigan grants Flint an extension on submitting documentation about 2019 lead samples, as well as the city’s future plans for tackling contamination. Storm Glorida hits Spain’s Ebro river delta, deluging rice paddies. Namibia considers […]


The Stream, January 22, 2020: Rainfall in Australia Slows Spread of Bushfires

The Global Rundown Heavy rainfall eases bushfires in Australia, but blazes still remain. Ongoing drought in Guatemala fuels childhood malnutrition. The U.S. Supreme Court rules that residents of Flint, Michigan, can pursue a civil rights lawsuit over the city’s lead crisis. Twenty-one “critically overdrafted” areas of California prepare groundwater management plans as part of the […]


The Stream, January 21, 2020: Water Crisis Leaves Bulgarian Government Facing a No-Confidence Vote

The Global Rundown The Bulgarian government faces a no-confidence vote due to ongoing water shortages affecting thousands of people. Lawmakers in Michigan propose two bills that would limit access to groundwater for water bottling company Nestlé Waters North America, Inc. Controversy ensues over an $80 million water rights sale to the Australian government. China bans […]


The Stream, December 31, 2019: Groundwater Extraction for U.S. Border Wall Threatens Endangered Fish, Experts Fear

The Global Rundown Groundwater extraction for U.S. President Donald Trump’s border wall jeopardizes endangered and threatened fish species, according to experts. Tropical Cyclone Sarai pummels Fiji. Major water shortages may be coming to Thailand after an unusually dry year, a top water official warns. Moderate to severe drought lingers in parts of the southwestern U.S. […]


The Stream, December 27, 2019: Precipitation, Waterways Disrupted as Alaska Experiences Warmest Year on Record

The Global Rundown Alaska’s warmest year on record causes ecological turmoil across the state. Bushfires threaten the main water catchment in Sydney, Australia. Nations along the Houston, Texas, considers solving its flooding problem by building massive stormwater tunnels beneath the city. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi begins a $842 million campaign to address water shortages […]


The Stream, December 26, 2019: Per Person Water Use in Austin, Texas, Falls to Lowest Level in Decades

The Global Rundown Per capita water use in Austin, Texas, falls to the lowest level in more than 20 years. Authorities in Tamborine Mountain, Queensland, tell owners of unapproved bores to stop distributing water to the community. November flood damages to St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice, Italy, amount to $5.5 million. Radioactive water from Japan’s […]


The Stream, December 24, 2019: Neighbors Bring Water to Australian Homes Where Taps Have Run Dry

The Global Rundown Australian communities band together to deliver water to those who have run out. A coalition of sixteen Democratic-leaning U.S. states and cities file a lawsuit against the EPA over efforts to minimize regulations governing waterways. Argentina overturns a law banning mining projects in a key wine-growing region, raising concerns about water supply. […]


The Stream, December 12, 2019: Wolverine World Wide Agrees to $69.5M Settlement Over PFAS Contamination

The Global Rundown Wolverine World Wide agrees to a $69.5 million settlement with Michigan towns contaminated by PFAS chemicals linked to the company’s manufacturing waste. Intense storms hit South Africa, causing flash floods and power blackouts. The United States Congress brokers a deal to halt the use of military firefighting foam containing PFAS chemicals. ASEAN […]


The Stream, November 5, 2019: Thousands of Canadians Exposed to Lead Levels Higher Than Flint, Investigation Finds

The Global Rundown Several hundred thousand Canadians are exposed to lead water levels exceeding those of the Flint water crisis, a new investigation warns. The number of Somalis displaced by flooding surpasses 270,000. The heaviest rain in years deluges parts of eastern Australia. Crews begin cleanup following an oil spill from the Keystone pipeline in […]