
Severe Drought Grips Bolivia
Failed rains, shrinking glaciers, and growing demands from cities, agriculture, and mining put pressure on Bolivia's water supplies.

Infographic: Lake Titicaca Contends With Water Pollution and Climate Change
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Receding glaciers, growing cities, and expanding agriculture threaten the highest navigable lake in the world.

The Stream, August 31: Hurricane Isaac Causes Shipping Headaches on Mississippi
Hurricane Isaac
Hurricane Isaac, which hit land Tuesday evening…

Ned Breslin: Soup and Sustenance in the Mountains of Bolivia
Microloans and payment plans help the trickle-down economics of water infrastructure installation.

Ned Breslin: Shifting Gears — Promoting Potential, Not Poverty, Is Positive Pledge for World Water Day
We need a mind shift this World Water Day; a transformation in how we think about and the approach we take to getting the message out to the world about water on this one day. And the shift is long overdue.

The Stream, March 2: Where Did The Brahmaputra River’s Water Go?
As water levels dropped three meters (10 feet) in India's Brahmaputra…

Pollution, Dry Weather Choke the World’s Major Lakes
Urban waste and falling water levels signaled a rough start to…

The Stream, January 13: Water Pollution Looms In Lake Titicaca
Growing urban populations, poor infrastructure and unenforced…

The Stream, March 3: South Africa’s Energy Mix
Members of South Africa's Parliament are pushing for the country…

The Stream, February 8: Food for Thought
Crop shortages are just another ingredient in an explosive mix…

UN to Vote on Declaring Water a Human Right
The United Nations General Assembly will begin debating, and possibly vote on, a contentious and historic right-to-water resolution today.

Indigenous Groups in Ecuador Protest Water Reform Bill
The water legislation would consolidate too much power in the hands of the government, protesters say.