
Despite Billions in Losses and Clear Financial Dangers, Companies Slow to Respond to Water Risks
More businesses track water use, but fewer take the next step of setting targets.

Slowly, With Earth Pushing Hard, A Confederacy Of Concern Develops
Circle of Blue Senior Editor Keith Schneider discusses how new energy-efficient, water-conserving, land-protecting operating principles are slowly becoming priorities around the world.

Corporate Water Risk Report: 5th CDP Survey of Top Global Companies
The details are lacking, as risk disclosures often have a narrow focus and significant data gaps.

Risk Assessment Tool Puts a Price on Water Scarcity
The Water Risk Monetizer guides corporate investments where water…

Saving Money by Storing the Rain
Rainwater harvesting, a disruptive idea, catches on with businesses. CoB reporter Brett Walton responds to a recent article in the Guardian.

The Stream, October 23: Businesses and Water
The Carbon Disclosure Project of London, UK has released the…

The Stream, September 14: Has Thailand Done Enough to Prepare For Floods?
A recent spate of flooding in Thailand has raised concerns…

The Stream, July 25: An Atlas of World Water Risk
An 'new gold' for the 21st century, banking on scarcer…

The Stream, March 14: South Africa’s Water Gap
South Africa could face a 17 percent gap between water supply…

The Stream, January 27: Water Pollution Strikes Chinese River
Levels of cadmium, a carcinogen, measured 20 percent higher than…

State of the Union: New Economics of Energy Production Tilts Obama’s “All-of-the-Above” Strategy One Way
In the era of deficit and disinvestment, water-intensive fossil fuel production is overwhelming the water-sipping clean energy sector.