
Michigan Takes Asian Carp Fight Back To the Supreme Court
Attorney General files a new brief to sever ties between Lake Michigan and carp-invested Chicago canals.

New Plan Approved to Protect Chicagoland Water
A three-year effort to develop a landmark water plan for the greater Chicago region was unanimously approved by political and environmental stakeholders Tuesday.

Legal Battle Over Asian Carp in the Great Lakes Heats Up
The White House responds to calls for a Great Lakes summit to protect the lakes and their $7 billion sportfishing industry from the invasive species.

Protecting the Future of Chicagoland’s Drinking Water
Chicagoland planners have drafted an ambitious plan to secure the region’s water supply through 2050, in the face of a booming population and its increased demand on the finite resource.

Towards a Blue Economy: Michigan’s Freshwater Future
Midwest leader travels to Mideast to secure his state’s blue economy.

The Windy City Blows Off Toxins to the Ocean
Chicago is famous for dyeing its river green on St. Patrick’s…

Obama, With Emanuel, May Spell Greater Conservation Efforts for the Great Lakes
Advocacy groups and political analysts predict strong Great…

Texans Protest “Thirsty” Nuclear Power Plants in Chicago
Protesters from Texas made their way to Chicago to demonstrate against a new nuclear plant

Terrence O’Brien: Keeping Chicago hydrated
Chicago's master plumber strives for innovative and effective…

Dirty waters: Corruption infects global water services
Transparency International’s Global Corruption Report: misconduct…

Chicago water pollution a difficult pill to swallow
CHICAGO - Following a study conducted for the Chicago Tribune,…