
Global Grain Reserves Are Low; Legacy of U.S. Drought

Dwindling water supplies, low grain supplies, high prices for bread, meat, milk are outcomes of one of the worst droughts in the American history.

The Stream, January 11: Global Food Price Index Falls

U.S. Drought The Food Price Index for December 2012, released…
A South American drought keeps global grain reserves tight, but it could mean good things for North American corn producers.

Global Perspectives: How Dry Weather in Argentina Could Affect Chicken Prices in Chicago

A South American drought keeps global grain reserves tight, but it could mean good things for North American corn producers.

The Stream, January 13: Water Pollution Looms In Lake Titicaca

Growing urban populations, poor infrastructure and unenforced…

Price Volatility: Food and Water Insecurities Require Deep Pockets

Adding pressure to already strained budgets, the price of food is expected to remain high and quite volatile on the heels of this year's extreme floods and droughts. Though price increases are occurring globally, they are hitting hardest in the developing world.