
The Stream, October 18: Federal Focus on Water-Energy Nexus
The federal government must improve oversight on the nexus between…

The Stream, September 27: Hydraulic Fracturing-related Health Concerns Linger
Governor Andrew Cuomo said New York state is still deciding whether…

The Stream, September 18: Water-Energy Nexus and WASH for Children
Oil and Water
Ahead of the worldwide Global Frackdown planned…

The Stream, September 10: Water Shortage Deepens Syrian Humanitarian Crisis
A sudden water shortage is the latest hardship blighting the…

The Stream, September 7: Pesticides Exact Big Toll on Health and Environment
Heavy downpours triggered floods and caused roofs to collapse…

The Stream, September 5: Cubbie Station Sale Raises Concerns for Australia’s Water
The possible sale of Australia's Cubbie Station to Chinese investors…

The Stream, August 31: Hurricane Isaac Causes Shipping Headaches on Mississippi
Hurricane Isaac
Hurricane Isaac, which hit land Tuesday evening…

The Stream, August 29: Arctic Ice Reaches Record Low
With a few weeks still left in the annual melt season, Arctic…

The Stream, July 17: Drought in the United States
Low water levels in the Mississippi River have prompted salt…

The Stream, June 28: Nutrient Pollution Choking the Mississippi River
What does Chicago have to do with the growing algae blooms in…

The Stream, May 14: NASA Scientist Links Specific Weather Events to Climate Change
Drinking water is safe to consume in the small Pennsylvania town…