
Water Management is a Money Issue, World Bank tells China
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In a recently released report, the World Bank applauds China…

Three Gorges Dam Causes Havoc as Water Levels Rise
BEIJING -- The hydroelectric feat that displaced over a million…

Chinese Artists Portray Three Gorges Emigration
China's Three Gorges hydroelectric dam project on the Yangtze…

Op-ed — Chenab waters and Pakistan’s fear
Circle of Blue recently reported on the Baglihar Dam controversy…

Op-ed: Not a ‘natural’ disaster
NEW DELHI - The floods India and Nepal have suffered this season…

Irrigation an Irritation as Indians, Nepalis Cope with Monsoon Season
GUWAHATI, India - This year's monsoon season in northeastern…

Bankers in India doing rain dance beneath money tree
INDIA -- The battle against inflation in India this year has…

Arsenic-laced well water poisons Indian rice supply
INDIA -- The bucolic portrayal of verdant, water-soaked rice…

Scarce water a developing source of conflict in India
NEW DELHI - Domestic disputes and interstate wrangles over…

Three Gorges exodus complete
BEIJING - After four years of migration, over 4 million people…

Up the Yangtze depicts social complexity of China’s Three Gorges Dam
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan - In time for the Beijing Olympics,…

Food and water shortages force Afghans to leave homes
KABUL - Thousands of Afghans were forced to relocate from the…