
Michigan DEQ’s Responsibility to Ensure Public Safety Collapsed in Flint
State environmental agency's indifference and intransigence violated…
Great Lakes Water Quality: Technology and Regulations Work to Eliminate Major Shipping Pathway for Invasive Species
Political action and technological advances are cutting down…

Michigan Supreme Court Decision in Au Sable River Case Shores Up Protection for Environment
Court blocks dumping into a popular fly-fishing stream, sets precedent to protect Michigan waters from pollution.

Congress, Michigan Legislature Asked to Fix Leaks in Great Lakes Compact
It’s been more than a year since eight states agreed to prevent large-scale diversions from the Great Lakes, the most abundant source of clean freshwater on the planet. The passage of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact, completed after ten years of campaigning by public interest organizations, legislative leaders, and governors of both parties, was meant to permanently secure the globally significant storehouse of water contained in the Great Lakes.