
Lawsuit Asks For Regulations To Address Underwater Oil Pipeline Spills
National Wildlife Federation says federal agency has allowed…

Michigan Pipeline Task Force Sets Stage for Line 5 Closure
Report calls for independent analysis of the risks, alternatives, and cost of a big oil spill in the Mackinac Straits.

The Science Communication Challenge
Circle of Blue intern Connor Bebb explains his passion for sharing information about our most important shared resource — water.

Report: Water Levels Hit Record Lows in Two Great Lakes, Wildlife Struggles to Cope with Changing Climate
Drought and reduced winter ice cover are contributing to declining water levels in the Great Lakes. As lakes Michigan and Huron hit record lows, a new report outlines what changes like this could mean for the region’s flora and fauna.

Business vs. Environment: Ohio Governor Vetoes Lake Erie Water Withdrawal Bill
The highly controversial bill set the highest thresholds for water withdrawal permits in the Great Lakes region, sparking debate between environmentalists and businesses over the use of Lake Erie water.

A Campaign of Deceit Underlies Stolen Email Messages
Circle of Blue's senior editor, Keith Schnieder, starts his Copenhagen coverage revealing the real value of the climate email controversy.