
Photo Slideshow: Australia’s Coal and Gas Boom Boosted By Asian Demand

Massive hydrocarbon production has created worries over water use and pollution as the "Down Under" nation rises to the top of global exporters.
A coal loader eats away at a mountain of black coal at the Port of Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia. In 2011, the mines, trains, and coal loading terminals here shipped about 114 million metric tons of coal on about 1,000 freighters, bringing billions of dollars in export earnings.

Global Energy Demand Driving Australia’s Coal and Gas Export Boom

International demand and new technologies push nation to the top for hydrocarbon exports. But massive production has also created worries over water.
A coal loader eats away at a mountain of black coal at the Port of Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia. In 2011, the mines, trains, and coal loading terminals here shipped about 114 million metric tons of coal on about 1,000 freighters, bringing billions of dollars in export earnings.

The Stream, January 3: Quake Concerns Suspend Well Operations in Ohio

Ohio has suspended operations at five deep wells used to dispose…