
Septic System Pollution Contributes to Disease Outbreaks
More research and funding is needed to help understand the severity

Infographic: Nitrogen Pollution Is Killing Long Island Ecosystems
Seagrass, shellfish, wetlands, and fish are dying in the Peconic…

U.S. EPA Avoids Stricter Water Pollution Standards for Gulf of Mexico
Court decision makes it easier for EPA to leave nutrient pollution…

World Stands By As Algae and Dead Zones Ruin Water
Expensive research and cleanup efforts make little headway.

The Stream, March 27: Water and Oil in the Amazon
South America
A new billboard in Peru is creating fresh water…

Agriculture and Sewage Dead Zone: Taking on Nutrient Pollution in the Mississippi River Watershed
As the impact of agriculture on water quality intensifies around the globe, two lawsuits in the United States aim to reduce the size of the Gulf of Mexico's ‘dead zone’ by setting limits on nutrient pollution in the Mississippi River Basin.

Infographic: China’s Water Pollution Events and Protection Policies (2004-2011)
China has some of the dirtiest and most dangerous water in the world. This detailed and interactive timeline shows key pollution events, protests, and policy reforms from the last eight years at both the national and regional levels as China tries to clean up its act.