
Infographic: North Dakota’s Rise To Domestic Oil Royalty
North Dakota has become the number four oil producing state—but at what cost to its water supply?

Water Demand is Flash Point in Dakota Oil Boom
Production from the Bakken Shale is projected to use up to 5.5 billion gallons of water annually.

Government Warns Against Contaminated Water in Wyoming Town
Freshwater wells deemed unsafe because of hydrocarbons.

Fracking Regulations Vary Widely from State to State
A look at how states across America are facing deep frack dilemmas.

California Drought is No Problem for Kern County Oil Producers
Farmers do without water because of oil industry uses.

Infographic: Michigan Mineral Rights
In Michigan, $178 million for nearly 120,000 acres of state-owned minerals in 20 counties.

Michigan Says It’s Ready For Next Drilling Boom
“Fracking” is the injection of water and chemicals to rupture deep shale and release natural gas.

EPA Announces Study to Re-Examine the Health Risks of Hydrofracking
States have begun implementing stricter standards for the controversial natural gas drilling process.