
Peter Gleick: Accuracy, Precision, and Significance — The Misery of Cholera
We’re bombarded with numbers every day. But seeing a number and understanding it are two different things.

The Stream, January 25: No Water for Timbuktu
Water service, as well as electricity and phone service,…

The Stream, November 16: Myanmar’s Test from Foreign Investment
Myanmar's forests, river systems, and the wildlife they support…

The Stream, November 14: Flooding Hits Rome
Extreme Weather
Suburbs, towns and farms outside of Rome flooded…

The Stream, October 10: Water and the State of Hunger
Food Security
Approximately 12.5 percent of the global population--or…

The Stream, August 30: More Crop Per Drop
A theme of food and water waste reduction, especially in agriculture,…

The Stream, August 27: Water Versus Carbon
Desalination technologies are expanding as freshwater…

The Stream, August 23: The Struggle for Safe Drinking Water
This photo slideshow demonstrates the effects of coal extraction…