
Saving Salmon: California Orders New Water Restrictions
Restrictions target big Sacramento River reservoir and Russian River residents, but effects will ripple through the state.

Infographic: California Urban Water Conservation Standards
Cities must cut water use by 25 percent in 2015.
On May 5,…

California Water Restrictions Still Target Lawns
Few substantial changes to the latest version of conservation regulations.

California Water Restrictions Generate Flood of Resistance
Cities object to mandatory limits on water use.
California’s Rainless Summer Will Dry Up Drinking Water Supplies
State and local water administrators face supply emergency that is tightening.

California Regulators Hint at Forthcoming Urban Water Restrictions
The biggest water users will be required to conserve more than the thrifty.

California’s Voluntary Water Conservation Plan Is Not Close to Working
Deeper drought, warmer temperatures lead to more water use in…

Peter Gleick: California Water Bills. Is the New Water Legislation Better than Nothing?
A lot of people have asked me my opinion about the new water legislation just passed in Sacramento. Here is a longer version of my piece in the New York Times Bay Area blog page

Peter Gleick: Who Is Stealing California’s Water?
Someone is stealing our water. Many someones. But who and how much? No one knows today, mostly because the agency responsible for keeping an eye on water rights and use--the State Water Resources Control Board--is blind, deaf, and dumb.
Blind, because they don't look. Deaf, because they don't listen to or act on most requests to investigate water rights allocations and use. Dumb, because they don't talk about these issues. "Asleep at the switch," as a colleague describes it.