
U.S., Mexico Sign Rio Grande Water Agreement
U.S. and Mexican officials settled a water dispute that had been simmering for several months and led to protests by Mexican farmers concerned about water access.

Manmade Flood Gives Life to Colorado River Delta
A battered ecosystem begins to recover.
By Brett Walton,…

Landmark Klamath Basin Water Agreement Is on Verge of Collapse
Congress could allow year-end deadline for review and enactment…

The Stream, January 22: Water Cooperation Far Outweighs Conflict
The latest issue of the UNESCO journal, A World of Science, is focused on the human face of water politics. Researchers have found that conflict is no more likely in arid nations than in humid nations, and that water conflicts, when they do arise, are not more or less frequent in a nation based on their wealth or political structure. The report is released in anticipation of the beginning of the 2013 UN International Year of Water Cooperation.

The Forgotten South Caucasus: Where Oil and Water Mix
A “New Great Game” of Geopolitical Control Surfaces in Russia’s Old Backyard