
The Stream, July 12: Reforms in the UK Water Sector
Flood protection will cost the United Kingdom at least $1.3 billion…

The Stream, May 15: America’s Most Endangered Rivers
The Potomac River is the most endangered river in the United…

The Stream, May 10: How Effective Is Australia’s Water Trading System?
A flawed water-trading system is choking the Murray-Darling,…

The Stream, August 23: If the Yangtze River Runs Dry
Can the Yangtze, Asia's longest river, run dry? According to…

The Stream, August 11: Australia’s Climate Change Debate
Climate-change wrangling in Australia has descended into death…

The Stream, July 5: Water Trading
The Australian water industry, valued at up to $27 billion, is…

The Stream, June 9: Water Markets
Major American universities are using endowment funds to buy…

The Stream, March 22: World Water Day 2011
The New York Times compares the water markets and policies of…

Liquid Assets: Tide Turns Against Privatization of City Water Systems
There's nothing like a fiscal deficit to prompt municipal leaders to think hard about how to save money. Everything is on the table and no city service or asset is untouchable. So last November when the mayor of Carbondale, Illinois made several suggestions for bailing out the cash-strapped city, the idea of selling the municipal water and sewer system gained serious traction.