
The Stream, September 18: Water-Energy Nexus and WASH for Children
Oil and Water
Ahead of the worldwide Global Frackdown planned…

Ned Breslin: Shifting Gears — Promoting Potential, Not Poverty, Is Positive Pledge for World Water Day
We need a mind shift this World Water Day; a transformation in how we think about and the approach we take to getting the message out to the world about water on this one day. And the shift is long overdue.

Infographic: WASH and Urbanization — Providing Sanitation and Water Services by Country
Entry in the 2011 Urban Water Design Challenge, sponsored by and Circle of Blue.

Ned Breslin: Lasting Coverage — Retooling the WASH Model’s “Beneficiary” Indicators (Part II)
So if “beneficiaries” are a terrible indicator of success in the international water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector, then what should take their place?

Ned Breslin: Counted Like Sheep — Retooling the WASH Model’s “Beneficiary” Indicators (Part I)
I hate the word “beneficiary.” Beneficiary is a misleading indicator and driver of development assistance.