
Reduce Flooding From Backed up Sewers? There’s an App for That
A group of researchers is helping cities use their current systems better.

The Town that Flood-Proofed Itself
Ottawa, Illinois learned how to keep its residents out of harms way. But on the river’s edge, safety has often required sacrifice.

‘The Opportunity Is Now’: Water Advocates View Upcoming UN Climate Conference as Moment of Relevance
Water was overlooked in past global climate talks. Advocates are focusing on the Glasgow meeting to highlight water’s indispensable climate role.

Waste-To-Energy Tech Could Slash U.S. Water Sector Carbon Emissions, But Its Potential Remains Underdeveloped
U.S. utilities have been slower to adopt the energy- and emissions-saving technologies than those in other parts of the world.

Cheap Cybersecurity Defenses Exist, But They’re Not Reaching Water Utilities Who Need Them
An era of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure has begun. Rural water utilities have vulnerabilities and advantages.