
Climate Change Grips Trout Streams Across the Nation:

Across the country, anglers have watched as droughts, floods, and high temperatures batter the rivers they depend on.

Toxin Levels Spike, Prompting Drinking Water Emergency in Northern California

Cyanotoxins in the state’s second-largest freshwater lake soared this month amid a hot, dry summer.

‘Eyes in the Sky’ Help Police California Water Use

Satellite data is one monitoring tool regulators turn to in this very dry year.

Dry Wells in Northern California Bring Home the Costs and Stresses of Drought

A relentless interval of hot, dry weather, made worse by the buildup of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, has turned Glenn County, California, and the surrounding area, into a cauldron of flame, dust, and smoke.

Drought, The Everything Disaster

When water stops flowing, painful days are at hand.