The Stream, January 2: Court Ruling Disrupts Plans to Dump 15m Tonnes of Salt Waste Near Australian Waterway
The Global Rundown
A plan to dump tonnes of salt waste into a Queensland, Australia, waterway comes to a halt. Storm Usman brings torrential rains to the Philippines, triggering deadly landslides. Aquatic life in the United Kingdom’s coastal waters resurges after increased conservation efforts. Farmers in South Africa consider drought-hardy goats as an alternative to cattle. An environmental group hopes to foster water cooperation among Israel, Palestine, and Jordan.
“The threat of climate change is so great in this region that, if we don’t work with our neighbors, then we’re also at peril.” —Gidon Bromberg, director of the environmental group EcoPeace, which hopes to improve water cooperation among Israel, Palestine, and Jordan. Israel is a leader in global desalination efforts, but political tensions are disrupting water equity throughout the region, particularly in the Gaza Strip. PBS Newshour
In context: Israel’s Mediterranean Desalination Plants Shift Regional Water Balance.
Latest WaterNews from Circle of Blue
Speaking of Water – Looking back at 2018, ahead to 2019 — What are the trends and the disruptions we saw in 2018, and what’s ahead for 2019 and beyond?
The Year in Water, 2018 — Pollution, scarcity, and a changing climate remain top risks.
U.S. Year-In-Review, 2018 — Regulators, politicians forced to confront the consequences of environmental change.
By The Numbers
15 million tonnes Amount of salt waste set to be dumped near headwaters of the Murray-Darling basin in Queensland, Australia. The plan, however, has met an obstacle after Queensland courts ruled that trucks are not allowed to park on the dumping site. Environmentalists praised the decision, warning that the waste, a byproduct of coal seam gas operations, poses “considerable” risk of water contamination. The Guardian
60+ People killed in the southwest Bicol region of the Philippines after Storm Usman brought heavy rains and deadly landslides. The storm, classified as a tropical depression, displaced at least 40,000 people. BBC
Science, Studies, And Reports
An increase in monitoring and conservation efforts along the coast of the United Kingdom has led to a comeback of various creatures, including rare molluscs and seabirds, according to a yearly conservation review. Despite the improvements, the report noted that sewage spills and plastic pollution remain major threats to the health of the UK’s coastal waters. The Guardian
On The Radar
As climate change brings warmer temperatures and intensifying dry spells, farmers in South Africa are beginning to raise hardy veld goats alongside cattle. In addition to enduring droughts more easily than cattle, the goats also graze on brush and other plants that have encroached on traditional grasslands in the region. Los Angeles Times
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