Ghana to get pipeline in two years

Due for completion in 2009, the Ghana Water Company is set to…

Bhopal water pollution crisis returns to court

When a Union Carbide pesticide plant in the central part of India…

Cyclone survivers to face freshwater shortages

MYANMAR - Survivers of the worst natural disaster to hit Myanmar…

Growth spurt turning Vietnam’s water a toxic shade of green

HANOI -- Vietnam's citizens are bearing the brunt of their…

U.S. funded wastewater treatment plant flounders in Falluja

The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR)…

Water maven Maude Barlow named U.N. senior advisor

Renowned for her efforts against the privatization of water and…

Environmental assessment could help military gain ground

Not only does war cost human lives, but it also degrades human…

Photo essay — “Thirsty world: Desperate quest for water”

What Matters, a new anthology by David Elliot Cohen, continues…

Senator Obama’s comments heat up water wars in Southern U.S.

At an official campaign stop in Florida, Presidential hopeful…

Opinion: Where Water Trumps Energy

A new plan to drill for natural gas along America's East Coast could endanger water supplies.

Texans Protest “Thirsty” Nuclear Power Plants in Chicago

Protesters from Texas made their way to Chicago to demonstrate against a new nuclear plant