
Map: NASA Shows Big Dip in U.S. Groundwater Regionally, Especially Near Texas Drought
Using calculations based on satellite observations and long-term…

Report: Thirsty Power Plants Increase U.S. Water Stress
Water-energy choke points in Texas serve as examples of a larger issue for the United States, as pointed out in a new report for the Energy and Water in a Warming World Initiative, spearheaded by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Red Tide Downstream of Texas Drought: Marine Ecosystems Suffer Lack of Fresh Water
High temperatures and salinity concentrations along the Texas Gulf Coast are behind a toxic red tide, fish kills, and an influx of oyster parasites. Additionally, several saltwater species have been found upstream, surviving in a typically freshwater environment and signaling a large change in these delta ecosystems.

UN Report: Floods Threaten Southeast Asia Food Crisis, Disrupt Thai Car Industry
With hundreds of deaths, thousands of damaged hectares, and millions of refugees, this year's fall flooding has equated to a devastating wet season.

2011 is Record-setting Year for Climate Change: Ice Melts in Arctic, High Temps in U.S.
A new study has revealed that ice volume in the Arctic Sea reached an all-time low in 2010. Meanwhile, in the United States, more high-temperature records have been set this summer than in any other year previously, as well as many regions that have broken rainfall and drought records.

Texas Utilities Use Restrictions, Not Prices, To Cope With Water Shortages
The preference for government mandates reinforces the idea that…
Interactive Map: U.S. Cities Acting Now to Reduce Water Risk from Climate Change
A report from the Natural Resources Defense Council describes water threats and adaptations in a dozen American cities.
Weather Extremes: Floods, Droughts, Tornadoes, and Extreme Heat Plague Much of U.S.
Extreme weather events in 2011 have been numerous and diverse, prompting some analysts to link the natural disasters to climate change. Most recently, many states are under exceptional-drought and extreme-heat advisories.
Colorado River Basin Group Releases Supply Assessment: Bureau of Reclamation Uses Climate Data to Predict 9 Percent Decline in Flow
The interim report is the first step in a two-year evaluation…
Extreme Weather Hampers Grain Production — Droughts in France and Germany, Floods in Ohio
Two of the world's most important crops, corn and wheat, are on track to meet global demand, despite water woes.
U.S. Conservation Group Releases Top 10 ‘Endangered Rivers’ Report
American Rivers' annual list highlights waterways with an immediate threat to their ecosystems.
Prompted By Scarcity, Colorado River Basin States Examine Their Lifeline
The worst drought in the 105-year historical record of the Colorado River has opened a new era of water scarcity that is prompting state and federal water managers to evaluate never before considered options for increasing water supply and reducing demand.