
Des Moines River ‘Essentially Unusable’ for Drinking Water due to Algae Toxins
Levels of microcystin in the river have recently been measured more than 10 times higher than the federal recommendation for drinking water.

Slimy Lakes and Dead Dogs: Climate Crisis has Brought the Season of Toxic Algae
Warming water and pollution are contributing to a variety of harmful bacteria that can wreak havoc on aquatic environments. Part of the Covering Climate Now partnership.

With Heavy Spring Rains, Lake Erie Algal Bloom Forecast Gets Worse and Worse
The latest Lake Erie forecast projects a large buildup of harmful cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, this summer.

Regulators Will Soon Know A Lot More About Algal Toxins in U.S. Drinking Water
For the next two years, water utilities are required to test for ten cyanotoxins.

Toxic Algae Flourish As Everglades Solution Eludes Florida
The blooms plaguing coastal estuaries are a symptom of a system out of balance.

Algae Overtake Australia’s Murray River
Bloom of blue-green algae covers hundreds of kilometers of water in New South Wales and Victoria.

Ecosystems Are Dying as Long Island Contends With a Nitrogen Bomb
Septic systems and nitrogen pollution are killing the island's…

The Growth of the Water Beat
News agencies carve out more space for water.
Photo © Brett…

Slowly, With Earth Pushing Hard, A Confederacy Of Concern Develops
Circle of Blue Senior Editor Keith Schneider discusses how new energy-efficient, water-conserving, land-protecting operating principles are slowly becoming priorities around the world.
The Toledo Water Crisis, One Year Later
Circle of Blue reporter Codi Kozacek summarizes the major steps taken to reduce toxic algae blooms in Lake Erie.
Biggest Lakes in the World Under Pressure From Human and Environmental Threats
Across continents and hemispheres, a growing list of human and environmental pressures threaten the world’s largest lakes, inhibiting their ability to supply water, drive economic activity, preserve biodiversity, and sustain communities.
A Discussion With Lana Pollack, U.S. Chair of the International Joint Commission
Lana Pollack, U.S. Chair of the IJC, talks with Circle of Blue last month in Chicago about some of the most pressing issues in the Great Lakes region.