
The Stream, October 4: Vivid Fall Foliage a Hidden Drought Benefit
Conditions are ideal this year for brilliant fall foliage, National…

Florida Oyster Harvest Suffers As Drought Intensifies Water Battle with Georgia and Alabama
The drought that set upon the United States this year has tightened a three-state tug-of-war over fresh water, affecting marine life and a valuable fishing economy downstream in the Deep South's Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, the most biodiverse river system in North America.

Reporting From Apalachicola, Florida: A Thousand Straws Stress River Basin
Reporter Codi Yeager visits the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, where a severe drought is putting pressure on vital freshwater supplies for farms, cities, industries, and ecosystems in three Southeast states.

Water conservation is water conservation, except when it isn’t
In the ongoing water wars between Georgia, Florida, and Alabama,…

Senator Obama’s comments heat up water wars in Southern U.S.
At an official campaign stop in Florida, Presidential hopeful…