

China Responds to Explosive Growth, Pollution, and Water Scarcity in Latest Five-Year Plan

Will momentum for runaway development be too powerful to restrain?
China Water Energy Sustainable Growth

Focusing on Sustainable Growth — China Releases Draft of 12th Five-Year Plan

Clearly wary about the consequences of its rapid economic development on the environment, China has set a path over the next five years to reduce consumption of the two most important resources that power its economy— coal and water. The country plans to rein in water use and introduces new energy intensity reduction targets in pursuit of more sustainable economic growth, according to the draft proposal of the 12th Five-Year Plan, the master economic blueprint that will chart China’s development through 2015.

Memo to Hu and Obama: Water and Energy Choke Points Merit Time at the China-U.S. Summit

Collaborate on resolving confrontation between rising energy demand and water scarcity in both countries.

Chinese Power Plant Develops Advanced Coal Technology

China attempts to move forward with its clean energy ambitions.