
Slowly, With Earth Pushing Hard, A Confederacy Of Concern Develops
Circle of Blue Senior Editor Keith Schneider discusses how new energy-efficient, water-conserving, land-protecting operating principles are slowly becoming priorities around the world.

California Drought Signals Fundamental Shift to New Water Conditions
Climate change models have long predicted a drying West. In California, the future has arrived.

Q&A: Paul Saffo on the Future of Media and a New Era of Environmentalism
Paul Saffo is a man who lives in the future, and he maps and predicts society’s biggest transformations. Paul is a Futurist who teaches at Stanford University, and for the past 20 years has explored the dynamics of large-scale, long-term change.

Peter Gleick: Crisis Over the Mekong — Development, Drought, and Climate Change
A volatile mix in Asia.

Designing Water’s Future – New Book Shows Student Solutions to Global Freshwater Crisis
World Water Day: "Designing Water's Future," the international student competition finds solutions to the global fresh water crisis. Water is the axis issue that intersects health, poverty, and security, as well as climate, energy, immigration, and the environment.
Millions of Tons of Ice Found at Moon’s North Pole
NASA announced yesterday that a moon probe discovered enough water on the north pole to potentially help generate oxygen or sustain a moon base.
Photo Slideshow: Divining Destiny in Mexico’s Tehuacán Valley
Newsweek's Latin America bureau chief and a top Getty photographer from South Africa were among the team that produced the content seen here.
China’s Water: Circle of Blue, Wilson Center Panel & Exhibit Jan. 20
Join Circle of Blue, the China Environment Forum and Western Kentucky University for Hidden Waters, Dragons in the Deep, a special discussion and photography exhibit opening at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on January 20 in Washington. Following the footsteps of centuries of scholarship within China, scientists around the world are studying China's complex karst landscape, working to empower local populations to gain access to water that flows in giant rivers unseen beneath the ground. Presented with support from USAID. RSVP here.
War on Water: A Clash Over Oil, Power and Poverty in the Niger Delta
Thousands Search for Fresh Water, Food in a Monumentally Contaminated War Zone
Video: Discussing Water at World Water Week in Stockholm
J. Carl Ganter, director of Circle of Blue, Rob Kerr, vice president of GlobeScan, and other water experts at World Water Week in Stockholm discuss the findings of the Circle of Blue | Globescan global water survey.