
Great Lakes Cleanup to Get $2.2 Billion in Federal Funding
The EPA plan aims to clean up top pollution sites and establish a “zero tolerance policy” toward invasive species

EPA Greenhouse Gas Ruling Could Lead To Stricter Emissions Standards
EPA Chief says the agency has been fighting to make up for lost time on its climate change policies. A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ruling that greenhouse gases pose a public health threat has set the stage for new emission regulations while setting off a battle in Congress and howls of protest from industry groups.

U.S. Charm Offensive at Copenhagen Climate Conference: Will it Work?
Our second installment of COP15 coverage reflects on the overdue, yet changing tide of American climate policy.

One in Five US Water Treatment Systems Contained Illegal Chemicals, Study Finds
Senate hearing focuses on EPA's efforts to protect the nation's drinking water. The water for more than 49 million Americans has been contaminated with illegal concentrations of dangerous pollutants since 2004.

Congressmen Urge Obama to Strengthen Clean Water Act
The Bush Administration has weakened the maw of the Clean Water…

Cali water agencies under pressure to lower arsenic levels
SAN FRANCISCO -- Arsenic levels in eleven Californian water…