
The Stream, October 29: Hurricane Sandy Batters East Coast
Forecasters are predicting a "devastating landfall" for Hurricane…

Peter Gleick: Mining California Groundwater – The Cadiz Project
A private company, Cadiz Inc. (Cadiz), has revived plans to mine groundwater underlying land in the delicate Eastern Mojave Desert. This project revives fundamental questions about how we manage our precious water resources, and in particular, whether in the 21st century it is appropriate, or even necessary, to use renewable water resources in a nonrenewable and unsustainable way, for short-term profit.

The Stream, February 1: Weather Extremes and Budget Balances
While ordinary Chinese flood train stations, bus terminals and…

Peter Gleick: State Needs More Water Storage – Underfoot
The massive rains over the past month are both a blessing and a curse for California.

Study: Overpumping Draws Down the World’s Groundwater Reserves
Groundwater depletion doubled between 1960 and 2000.

Reservoir of Acidic Water Rises Beneath South Africa’s Largest City
Polluted groundwater has forced the South African government to scramble for solutions.

Infographic: Wastewater Treatment Costs in Major U.S. Cities
Following Circle of Blue’s survey of water prices, we examine the wastewater costs of the same 30 major cities.

Water Scarcity Constrains Food, Energy Security in Vietnam
As the Southeast Asian country battles with climate change, it looks to use less hydropower.

Peter Gleick: ‘And During the Wet Years They Lost All Memory of the Dry Years.’
California has just suffered through three years of drought. Certainly not the first such drought and not the last.

More Houses Submerged as Water Levels Rise in Pakistan’s Attabad Lake
Officials have begun blasting boulders to expand the spillway of glacial melt.

X-Rays Mark the Spot to Drill for Water in Chad
Magnetic imaging lets scientists peer beneath the surface to see exactly where groundwater sources are located.

Water, Not al-Qaeda, is Yemen’s Main Domestic Concern, Experts Say
Yemen made headlines last Christmas as the training ground for the man who attempted to blow up an airplane two months ago, but a more immediate concern for the people living in the country is a rapidly dwindling supply of freshwater.