
Infographic: Indoor Water Use in the United States, 1999 and 2016

Better technology is helping U.S. households conserve water. It…

Orange County Recycled Water System Shows Importance of Collaboration

From Southern California, a model of success for water’s future.

Oil Slick Makes Its Way to Baghdad

A burst pipeline in northern Iraq has forced authorities to close down three municipal water treatment plants.

Cities Abolish Bottled Water in Canada

City conference tables in Canada, once neatly circumferenced…

New York residents may struggle to pay as water rates rise

NEW YORK CITY -- Could the economic downturn affect consumers…

Ghana to get pipeline in two years

Due for completion in 2009, the Ghana Water Company is set to…

Could privatized water provide India with a domestic answer?

JAMSHEDPUR, India -- In central India lies a town whose utilities…

Opinion: Where Water Trumps Energy

A new plan to drill for natural gas along America's East Coast could endanger water supplies.

Terrence O’Brien: Keeping Chicago hydrated

Chicago's master plumber strives for innovative and effective…

Bronx water-filtration plant a fiscal sinkhole?

NEW YORK - The completion date has been extended by six years…

Thirsty Atlanta to Battle Southeast States over Lake Lanier Water Supply

For nearly twenty years Florida and Alabama have turned a critical…

Race to the Finish: Coal Run Receives Water, City and County Plan to Appeal

Coal Run, a community denied water on allegedly racial grounds, can now turn on the tap at will.