
Divining Destiny – Tehuacán, Mexico Field Team

Brent Stirton is the senior staff photojournalist for Getty Images and his work from the front lines of the world’s conflicts and crises is seen regularly in major international magazines. He has a rare gift for expressing compassion through his lens. His drive to tell the critical yet complex global story of water has led to some of the most powerful imagery to date.

Divining Destiny: Water Challenges in Mexico’s Tehuacán Valley

SPECIAL APPRECIATION to the Ford Foundation for investing in the power of the human story, well told.
Peru: On the Front Lines - Glacial Retreat, Human March

Peru: On the Front Lines – Glacial Retreat, Human March

"For the first time in history, we see more people living in the cities than in rural areas... and they are forming larger and larger homeless populations within those cities."