
The Stream, June 11: Oil Spill in Canadian River
Government officials in Alberta, Canada are telling…

Australia Builds Desalination Plants and Pipelines to Bring Water to Mines
To feed water-hungry mining industries, similar plans are in the works to supply drought-ridden regions of Australia and China.

Texas Water District Gets Funds for Pipeline Project
The pipeline will connect three reservoirs in order to save money on energy costs. The Tarrant Regional Water District received approval for a $101 million loan to finance part of a 180-mile pipeline serving the Dallas-Fort Worth area, the Texas Water Development Board announced in January.

A Longer, Dryer Lent: Mexico City Authorities Keep Taps Closed during Easter Holidays
While Pope Benedict XVI prepares to sprinkle holy water during…

Infrastructure Imminent: Has Australian Tinderbox Found its Match?
In fire-seared Australia, water is a matter of national security.…

Here’s Something New in Australia: A Plan That Takes Water from Agriculture
At First Aghast, Victoria Grower Leads Campaign in Support of…

Australian States Legislate Rescue Team for Murray-Darling Basin
Victoria, the final state to sign a water bill that allows…

Ghana to get pipeline in two years
Due for completion in 2009, the Ghana Water Company is set to…

Pine Ridge water supply no longer a pipe dream
PIERRE, South Dakota - A ceremony in Wanblee celebrates the materialization…

Southern California’s behemoth pipeline nears completion
SAN BERNARDINO, California - Nearly four miles of a 44-mile pipeline…

“No water, no sex”: An interview with Veit Helmer, director of film Absurdistan
During an interview with Circle of Blue, German director Veit…

Burgeoning Bay Area buys time to boost water infrastructure
SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco's humongous Hetch Hetchy water…