
USGS groundwater water pollution contamination 2011 report arsenic manganese radon uranium

USGS Report: Trace Elements Exceed Health Standards in 20 Percent of U.S. Water Wells

Utilities are required by law to treat water to national standards, but no such controls exist for private wells, where the risk from contaminants is greater.
World Water Week

Stockholm World Water Week 2011: Megacities, Human Rights, Sanitation, Tech Tools, Energy, and Food

2,600 global experts. 100 sessions. Seven days. One issue: water.
Infographic: American Arsenic

Infographic: An Elemental Concern—Arsenic in Drinking Water

Arsenic is both naturally occurring and artificially produced, and the toxin is very dangerous since it often has no color, taste, or smell. This graphic breaks down how arsenic gets into drinking water supplies and how arsenic affects the U.S. on the state level.

Uncertain Future for Shale Gas in Europe — Accepted by U.K., Rejected by France, Others Undecided

Despite getting a go-ahead in the U.K., shale gas faces an uncertain future in Europe.
Ocean Currents: Harness installation on primary structure

NASA Mission Measures How Ocean Salinity Affects Climate and Water Cycle

Launching in June, the Aquarius satellite mission will improve scientific understanding of the global water cycle.

The Price of Water 2011: Prices Rise an Average of 9 Percent in Major U.S. Cities

Because of costlier inputs and infrastructure replacement, rate experts predict prices will only go higher.
China Water Energy Sustainable Growth

Focusing on Sustainable Growth — China Releases Draft of 12th Five-Year Plan

Clearly wary about the consequences of its rapid economic development on the environment, China has set a path over the next five years to reduce consumption of the two most important resources that power its economy— coal and water. The country plans to rein in water use and introduces new energy intensity reduction targets in pursuit of more sustainable economic growth, according to the draft proposal of the 12th Five-Year Plan, the master economic blueprint that will chart China’s development through 2015.

EPA Releases Draft Assessment of Environmental Effects of Biofuels

Preliminary report describes an infant cellulosic biofuels industry with a mandate to grow up fast.

Prompted By Scarcity, Colorado River Basin States Examine Their Lifeline

The worst drought in the 105-year historical record of the Colorado River has opened a new era of water scarcity that is prompting state and federal water managers to evaluate never before considered options for increasing water supply and reducing demand.

Study: Unregulated Toxin Present in Tap Water of 31 U.S. Cities

California is the first state to consider a limit on the “Erin Brockovich” chemical, which has been found in 31 of 35 U.S. cities recently surveyed.

Small Solution to Large-scale Water Pollution — Protozoa Detect Contaminants

A technology start-up is looking small to solve a big global problem.

Study: NASA Shows World’s Water is Warming, Buoy Data Confirms in Great Lakes

In some northern regions, lake temperatures are increasing more than air temperatures.