
More Work Needed to Meet Global Water Goal, UN Report Says

National governments are not on track to meet ambitious, globally recognized goals to provide universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation by 2030.

SDG Report: Billions Lack Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation at Home

Report is first to track higher standards set by the UN’s sustainable…

UN Prepares First Evaluation of Higher Standard for Water and Sanitation

Clean water for all, a sustainable development goal, will be…

Water Sector Corruption Impedes Sustainable Development

Report asserts universal access to water and sanitation requires more transparency and accountability.

Commentary on SDG 6.4: Continued Lack of Storage Considerations in Water Scarcity Metrics

It remains unclear how the success of an ambitious goal to improve…

Q&A: Sarina Prabasi on the Sustainable Development Goal for Sanitation

Sarina Prabasi is the CEO of WaterAid America, part of the international organization WaterAid working to improve access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene. She talks with Circle of Blue about the Sustainable Development subgoal to achieve universal and equitable sanitation access.

Q&A: Elynn Walter on the Sustainable Development Goal for Drinking Water

Elynn Walter is the sustainability director at WASH Advocates, a Washington, D.C.-based initiative that aims to increase awareness of the global water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) challenge and solutions, and to increase the amount and effectiveness of resources devoted to those solutions throughout the developing world. She talks with Circle of Blue about the Sustainable Development subgoal to achieve universal drinking water access.

Q&A: Giulio Boccaletti on the Sustainable Development Goal for Restoring Water Ecosystems

Giulio Boccaletti is the global managing director for water at…

Water Talk: Expert Q&As on the UN Sustainable Development Goals for Water

For the first time, international leaders meeting in New York City this weekend will consider a dedicated goal for water.

Q&A: Mark Giordano on the Sustainable Development Goal for Integrated Water Resources Management

Mark Giordano is the director of the Program in Science, Technology and International Affairs at Georgetown University. He researches natural resources management and has written extensively about water management in developing countries. He talks with Circle of Blue about the Sustainable Development subgoal to implement integrated water resources management.

Q&A: Bill Christiansen on the Sustainable Development Goal for Water Efficiency

Bill Christiansen, program manager for the Chicago-based Alliance for Water Efficiency, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the efficient and sustainable use of water, talks with Circle of Blue about the subgoal to improve water efficiency.