
Infographic: The Drier, Wetter, Warming U.S.
Despite warm and cold extremes in 2014, precipitation and temperature…

The Stream, December 26: China’s Big Desalination Plans
China has revealed plans to boost its desalination capacity to…

The Stream, December 14: Water Situation ‘Critical’ in Bulawayo
Water Shortages
A severe water shortage in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe's…

The Stream, May 18: Climate Change Will Affect U.S. Water Availability
Water levels on the flooding Rio Negro in Brazil have reached…

The Stream, March 9: Great Lakes Lose Ice
Ice coverage on the Great Lakes decreased 71 percent between…

Pollution, Dry Weather Choke the World’s Major Lakes
Urban waste and falling water levels signaled a rough start to…

The Stream, December 30: Great Lakes Water Levels May Drop
Water levels are expected to rise on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario…

The Stream, December 21: Raising The Price Of Carbon
The European Union's environment committee voted to decrease…

The Stream, December 2: Climate Change Negotiations
The United States, along with Russia, Canada, Japan, China and…

The Stream, November 30: Climate Change, Energy, and the Hottest Years on Record
The United Kingdom has been secretly lending its support to Canada's…

The Stream, September 23: Sand Mining and Water Quality
Plans to capture and store carbon have failed to gain traction…