
Two NASA Satellite Missions Fill Gaps in Water Knowledge: 2014 Preview, Part II

From soil to stratosphere, scientific understanding of the water cycle will take a giant leap in 2014.

Report: Fewer Trees in the Amazon, Less Hydropower from Dams

The study runs counter to conventional wisdom about deforestation’s effects on the water cycle.

Dennis Nelson

Dennis Nelson grew up on his family’s North Dakota farm, where…

The Stream, April 27: Water Cycle Intensifying Faster Than Predicted

Climate change is causing the global water cycle to accelerate…
The winning design by Richard Vijgen in the World Water Day competition by HeadsUP and will be on display in New York City's Times Square for one month. Titled “Seasonal and Longterm Changes in Groundwater Levels,” Vijgen's design uses NASA's gravitational data.

Satellite Perspectives: NASA’s GRACE Program Sees Groundwater From Space

A first-of-its-kind space mission shows dips in groundwater supplies…

Infographic: Energy Used in the Water Cycle

At eight pounds per gallon, water is a heavy substance; especially when utilities move billions of gallons per day.

Map and Statistics – Divining Destiny: Water Challenges in Mexico’s Tehuacán Valley

Tehuacán, meaning ‘Place of Stones’ in the native language of Nahuatl, is a centuries old city that lies in the Mexican state of Puebla, roughly 150 miles southeast of Mexico City.

White House Report: US to Face Floods, Droughts and Competition for Water

The White House issued last Tuesday an assessment of how global warming will unfold across the United States in the next century.

Kenya to Fence out Farmers From National Parks

kenyadryriver Kenya is planning to put electric fences around its major national parks and to increase the number of armed guards to protect water resources from farmers