
Q&A: Solomon’s Water

Water weaves through history, giving rise to conflict, collapses and creation in civilizations. In his latest book, WATER: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization, economic journalist Steven Solomon examines the economic and social relationship between people and water.

Perspective: Sudan – Land of Water and Thirst; War and Peace

Circle of Blue introduces the first contributing column from Dr. Paul J. Sullivan, an expert on resource conflict in the Middle East and parts of Africa. In his first piece, Sullivan discusses the water crisis in one of the world's most spotlighted failing states -- Sudan.

Epilogue from Steve Solomon’s Water The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization

The close of economic journalist Steven Solomon's book is a reflection on the new meaning of water given today's scarcity crisis. Solomon connects freshwater's past and present to paint a future, and potentially very unstable picture of human civilization. By redefining facets of this precious resource, however, he presents the foundation of finding global solutions.

Peter Gleick: Stealing Water from the Future – California’s Massive Groundwater Overdraft Newly Revealed

A NASA report summarizing data collected from new satellites confirms what most water observers have known for a long time. Massive amounts of groundwater are being sucked out of California's Central Valley groundwater aquifers -- unreported, unmonitored, and unregulated.

Heart of Dryness: Water Infrastructure and Climate Change

In the third installment of Climate Change Coping Strategies excerpts from James G. Workman's Heart of Dryness we reveal the struggle to develop effective infrastructure in the face of climate change.

Heart of Dryness: Water, Climate, and Energy

The second installment Climate Change Coping Strategies of excerpts from James G. Workman's Heart of Dryness

Worldwide Drought May Soon Knock on Britain’s Door

Facing severe water shortages, England now offers its citizens…

Peace Pipes & Smoking Guns: Southern Ethiopia’s Struggle for Water

Water may be declared a human right, but such declarations…

Dry Reservoir Leaves Tampa One Day of Water

A stagnant layer of unpotable water is all that remains of Tampa's Bill Young Reservoir.

Australian Aid Flows to Zimbabwe for Water, Sanitation and Health

Beleaguered Zimbabweans can look forward to at least $10 million…

Interactive Map: Biggest Dry

An interactive map of Circle of Blue's coverage of "The Biggest…