
The Missing Ingredient in the Obama Water Strategy
Science and technology are fundamental pieces, but policy change may be the hardest fix of all.

The Stream, March 1: Drought Could Return to the Horn of Africa
A massive relocation program in Ethiopia is pitting village…

Stockholm World Water Week 2011: Megacities, Human Rights, Sanitation, Tech Tools, Energy, and Food
2,600 global experts. 100 sessions. Seven days. One issue: water.

Q&A: Thomas Bjelkeman-Pettersson Connecting Aid and Water Online at
Bjelkeman-Pettersson talked to Circle of Blue during the Tällberg Rework the World Conference in Sweden about sharing information to change the global direction on water and sanitation issues.

The Middle East and Midwest Come Together in Water Tech Partnerships

Leave it to Beaver: Arkansas Water Department Warns About Imposters
As water grows increasingly precious to the southwestern United…

Fishy Thinking Inspires New Clean Energy Technology
An alternative way to create power from water that creates vortexes and vibrations.

Opinion: Blue is the new green
From living roofs to living walls, from greywater to rainwater…

Israeli invention extracts water from air
Taking advantage of the air's humidity, a company in Israel is…

Engineers develop platelet patch up for England’s water pipes
England may soon bid farewell to inconvenient road construction…

Picture this: New camera uses water as lens
Water refracts, but it also depicts. Cutting-edge technology…