
The Stream, March 25: China’s Coal Plants Face a Water Crisis
A Bloomberg New Energy Finance report is the latest to predict…

The Stream, January 30: After Cyclone, Water Supplies Tight in Brisbane
Storms spawned by Tropical Cyclone Oswald created "record turbidity…

The Stream, May 10: How Effective Is Australia’s Water Trading System?
A flawed water-trading system is choking the Murray-Darling,…

The Stream, April 27: Water Cycle Intensifying Faster Than Predicted
Climate change is causing the global water cycle to accelerate…

Draft Plan for Australia’s Murray-Darling Reignites Old Flames
After the 20-week public consultations ended last week, three key basin states have rejected the proposed plan, and more than 60 Australian academics have slammed the document for neglecting to include climate change projections and for its lack of transparency.

The Stream, April 19: Australia’s Water Market
New photos published on the Guardian reveal that early construction…

The Stream, February 21: Drought Declared in South-East England
South-East England is officially in a state of drought,…

The Stream, November 28: Drought in Mexico
Mexico's worst drought in seven decades is battering farmland…

The Stream, November 9: Fracking Without Water
A new method of hydraulic fracturing utilizes reusable liquid…

The Stream, August 8: Water Trading Around The World
Are markets in water rights likely to evolve as a rising population…

The Stream, July 5: Water Trading
The Australian water industry, valued at up to $27 billion, is…

The Stream, May 2: Energy Peak
Surprisingly to some, carbon emissions and energy in the United…