
Here’s Something New in Australia: A Plan That Takes Water from Agriculture
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At First Aghast, Victoria Grower Leads Campaign in Support of…

Behind Curtain of Fire, A Land Disfigured By Man and Drought
Can a Century of Canal Digging, Channel Constructing, Man Made…

My Wetland is Your Wetland: EPA Awards Funding to Midwest Marshes
The U.S. EPA is awarding $1.17 million in grants to Iowa, Kansas,…

Blessing or Blunder? South Korea to Build Wealth from Wetlands
BUAN, South Korea -- From a scenic dyke in the peninsular nation's…

Minnesota voters pledge $5.5 billion to protect lands and waterways
SAINT PAUL -- Passing the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment…

Everglades are one step closer to restoration, almost
WEST PALM BEACH, Florida - The state of Florida is buying 300…

EPA says ‘no’ to pumps in Mississippi River wetlands
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Corps of Army Engineers is proposing to…

Destroying wetlands could set off “carbon bomb”
Often eyed for their development potential, wetlands contain…