NASA sends rubber ducks down melting Titanic glacier

WASHINGTON – The Greenland glacier possibly responsible for sinking the Titanic keeps shrinking. In order to determine why some days are worse than others, NASA scientists are sending out a rubber ducky brigade.

Scientist Alex Behar told Reuters, “The common yellow plastic bath toys are one part of a sophisticated experiment to determine why glaciers speed up in the summer in their march to the sea.”

The ducks are labeled in three languages to let their rescuers know that they are part of a science experiment. Those who email the address on the toy are to receive a reward. Their efforts will help NASA track the glacier’s flow.

“We haven’t heard back but it may take some time until somebody actually finds it and decides to send us an e-mail that they have found it,” he said. “These are places that are quite remote so there aren’t people walking around.”

Read more here.

Source: Reuters

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